Friday, May 24, 2013

That's progress!

In the enormous pile of administrative nonsense and advertising I pulled out of my box this morning was a manila envelope from the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen. Inside was a lovely letter from someone who had attended one of my seminars on plagiarism. She was delighted to inform me that her school had put together a 54-page brochure for students on the topic of plagiarism: Der kleine Plagiats- und Täuschungskompass (yes, you can download it, too!).


Great short articles on many topics: What is plagiarism, how is it detected, what are the consequences, how do professors see the topic, some legal advice, interviews with students, plagiarism detection software, data privacy considerations in the use of such software, preventing plagiarism, how to use Citavi.

I wish every university could get all their departments to sit down and think about plagiarism and what is important for them and how they plan on dealing with it. And then put together their own brochure. The THM has set the bar high: time to get off your duffs and educate your students about plagiarism!


  1. I downloaded the file but seems not in English...

  2. Oh yes, sorry - the document is in German. But it gives one a nice idea of the size of and possible topics for such a document.


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